New Album Release by Ultrasonic

New Album Release by Ultrasonic

Following an already impressive catalog that includes last year’s “Primus EP”on NBGS, “High Key” is LowTempo’s first full-length album on Croma. Crunchy guitar licks, intricate solos and occasional improvisations are the order of the day, combined with hip hop beats,...
Sonaar Music Awards Coming Up

Sonaar Music Awards Coming Up

Mustache gentrify chicharrones street art, art party taxidermy DIY umami hammock bitters four loko bushwick pitchfork kombucha shabby chic. Gluten-free forage kitsch organic semiotics, wayfarers tilde gentrify. Vice next level raclette forage. Ramps pabst fashion axe...
This is a post with a YouTube Video

This is a post with a YouTube Video

I’ve been a diehard music fan since my youth, but we began to understand the structure of music when we learned to DJ 12 years ago. After a few years of DJing with vinyl, a program called Serato was introduced that allowed me to DJ using MP3’s with the same control I...